The following entry on Eleanor M. Ingram appears in the 1914 edition of A Woman's Who's Who of America
INGRAM, Eleanor Marie. Grand View on Hudson, NY. Winter 223 Riverside Drive NY City Author b. NY City 1887 dau. John Wharton and Anna A(ugusta) Sheilds Ingram. Ed at home with private teachers. Author: The Game and the Candle; The Flying Mercury; Stanton Wins; From the Car Behind; also contributor to various magazines here and abroad; books and short stories have appeared in England and Europe and have been translated into Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. Christian. Recreations: Motoring, yachting, music, reading, foreign literature. Reads French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Mem. Tappan Zee Yacht Club, Rockland Country Club, Circulo Literario Hispaniola.Eleanor M. Ingram died on March 22, 1921. The Death Certificate gives the cause of death as "Secondary anaemia, fibroma uteri, exhaustion" and indicates that she had been ill for 5 years. Her last novel, The Thing from the Lake appeared later that year.