Note: This is a work in progress. Much bibliographical data has been taken from The FictionMags Index; it has been verified by autopsy wherever possible and supplemented with our own research efforts. If you have any corrections or additions, please contact the site maintainer!
- (1909) The Game and the Candle. Illustrations by P.D. Johnson. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company.
- previously published as "The Payment" Gunter’s Magazine Vol 8 no. 5 (Dec. 1908) pp. 641ff.
- (1910) The Flying Mercury. Illustrations by Edmund Frederick. Decorations by Bertha Stuart. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company.
- (1911) Stanton Wins. Illustrations by Edmund Frederick. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company.
- (1912) From the Car Behind. Illustrations by James Montgomery Flagg. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
- previously published as "From the Car Behind" in Lippincott's Magazine Vol 85 no. 523 (July 1911) pp. 1-83.
- (1913) The Unafraid. Illustrations by Edmund Frederick. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
- (1915) A Man's Hearth. Illustrations by Edmund Frederick. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
- Previously published in All-Story Weekly Vol 49 no. 2 (11 Sept. 1915) pp. 193-236.
- (1917) The Twice American. Illustrations by Edmund Frederick. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
- (1921) The Thing From the Lake. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
Novellas and Short Stories
- "The Duke, the Slipper, and Dolores" Short Stories Magazine Vol. 48 no. 1 (Oct. 1902) pp. 90-102. = The Idler Vol. 22 no.4 (Jan. 1903) pp. 422-28.
- "Eric's Invasion" The Monthly Story Magazine Vol. 2 no. 4 (Feb. 1906) pp. 775-780.
- "The Late Conspiracy" The Monthly Story Magazine Vol. 3 no. 2 (June. 1906) pp. 357-63.
- "Two Windows" The Bohemian Vol. 10 no. 6 (June 1906) pp. 604-612.
- "I Am the Emperor", The Red Book Magaazine Vol. 7 no. 3 (July 1906) pp. 383-388.
- "The Alien", The Bohemian Vol. 11 no. 4 (Oct. 1906) pp. 376-384.
- "The Honor of a Plebeian" The Bohemian Vol. 12 no.2 (Feb. 1907) pp. 190-97.
- "A Balkan Tangle: A Tale of Royal Courtship" Short Stories Magazine Vol 65 no. 3 (March 1907) pp. 257-75.
- "Ilaria" The All-Story Magazine (July 1907) pp. 475-84.
- "Prince Scheherezade" Short Stories Magazine Vol 67. no. 2 (Aug. 1907) pp. 188-200. Rpt. The Washington Post 7 July 1918.
- "Don Estevan's Honor" The All-Story Magazine Vol. 9, nos. 1-4, Vol. 10 no. 1 (Sept 1907-Jan. 1908) pp. 1-17, 215-228, 438-55, 647-59, 96-104.
- "The Subjugation of Rudolph" Short Stories Magazine Vol. 68 no. 3 (Dec. 1907) pp. 268-82.
- "The Service of the Temple" The Bohemian Vol 14 no. 4 (April 1908) pp. 460-465.
- "The Harvest of Dreams" The Bohemian Vol 15 no. 1 (uly 1908) pp. 44-50.
- "A Galvez with the Gray Eyes" The Smart Set Vol 25 no. 3 (July 1908) p.64ff.
- "Not a Sparrow Falleth" The Circle Magazine Vol 4 no. 2 (Aug. 1908) pp. 78-79
- "The Unexpected" Short Stories Magazine Vol. 70 no. 2 (Aug. 1908) page 107-20.
- "Amethyst Windows" The Red Book Magaazine Vol 11 no. 5 (Sept. 1908) pp. 715-26.
- "An Aristocrat" The Cavalier Vol. 1 nos. 2-3 (Nov.-Dec. 1908) pp. 195-206, 525-540.
- "His Day" Short Stories Magazine Vol 71 no. 1 (Jan. 1909) = Golden Stories: A Selection of the Best Fiction By the Foremost Writers Vol. 2. (1909). New York: The Short Story Company. Unnumbered.
- "The Gracious Game" The Grand Magazine Vol 9 no. 49 (Feb. 1909) pp. 72-78 = Strand Magazine Vol. 41 no. 243 (April 1911) pp. 396-402.
- "The Lesson" Gunter’s Magazine (March 1909) pp. 282-295.
- "An American" The Bohemian, Vol 16 no. 6 (June 1909) pp. 817-826
- "The Jesters" Lippincott’s Magazine Vol 84 no. 2 (Aug. 1909) pp. 216-27.
- "Around the Corner" Young's Magazine vol. 18 no.3 (Sept. 1909) pp.
- "The Last Throw" [Duke Guido del’Isoletto] Gunter’s Magazine Vol. 10 no. 2 (Sept. 1909) page 147
- "Two Who Learned" [Duke Guido del’Isoletto] Gunter’s Magazine Vol. 10 no. 3 (Oct. 1909) page 146
- "The Justice of Guido" [Duke Guido del’Isoletto] Gunter’s Magazine Vol 10 no. 6 (Jan. 1910) page 119
- "The Heart of Clelia" [Duke Guido del’Isoletto] Gunter’s Magazine Vol. 11 no. 2(March 1910) page 113
- "The Honor of Valdi" [Duke Guido del’Isoletto] Gunter’s Magazine Vol. 11 no. 3 (April 1910) page 151
- "The Heart of Princess Rosario" [Duke Guido del'Isoletto] Cassell’s Magazine Vol. 50 no. 2 (June 1910) pp. 140-48. Rpt. in Toronto Saturday Night 3 September 1910.
- "The Chauffeur"Lippincott’s Magazine Vol 85 no. 5 (June 1910) page 751-59.
- "Denis of the Course" Leslie’s Weekly (25 August 1910) pp. 182, 194.
- "The Amazing Adventure" The Red Book Magaazine Vol. 15 no. 6 (Oct. 1910) pp. 1100-11.
- "The Duel" The All-Story Magazine Vol. 18 no. 2 (Oct. 1910) pp. 204-213.
- "The Rose Colored Scarf" The Red Book Magaazine Vol 17 no. 4 (Aug. 1911) pp. 635-46.
- "Conquered" Young's Magazine Vol 22 no. 2 (Aug. 1911) pp. 242-49.
- "His Neighbor’s Son" The Cavalier and the Scrap Book Vol 11 no. 2 (January 13 1912) pp. 222-227
- Any Other Name The Red Book Magaazine Vol 18 no. 5 (March 1912) pp. 840-6
- "The Stolen Woman" Lippincott’s Magazine Vol 89 no. 532 (March 1912) pp. 481-527
- "His Play-Day" The Cavalier Vol. 15 no. 1 (April 27 1912) pp. 169-176
- "Diet" The Cavalier Vol 16 no. 3 (8 June 1912)
- The Impersonator The Smart Set Vol 38 no. 1 (Sept. 1912) pp. 121-28.
- Lady Impossible The Cavalier Vol. 20 no. 4 (October 5 1912) pp. 711-19.
- "Shifting Sands" The Cavalier Vol. 24 no. 3, (18 Jan. 1913) pp. 498-526.
- "The Highway" Lippincott’s Magazine Vol 91 no. 2, February 1913, page 209-18
- "The Whirlpool" The Cavalier Vol. 27 no.2 (4 April 1913) pp. 307-28
- "Lucifer’s Wife" The Cavalier Vol. 29 no.3 (7 June 1913) pp. 426-59.
- The Egerton Standard" Lippincott’s Magazine Vol 92 no. 548 (Aug. 1913) page 145-90.
- The Spy All-Story Weekly (15 May 1915) pp. 112ff. Rpt. in The Adelaide Evening Journal 16 Oct. 1915.
- "Understanding Adora" All-Story Weekly Vol 64 no. 1 (28 Oct. 1916) pp. 42-74
- "The King's Noon" Munsey’s Magazine Vol. 64 no. 3 (Sept. 1918) pp. 733-40
- "A Girl Named Rose" Munsey’s Magazine Vol. 68 no. 2 (Nov. 1919), pp. 247-58.
Film Adaptations